Lower Stress and Anxiety

How to Reduce Symptoms of Anxiety and Stress

How To Reduce Anxiety with the Parasympathetic Nervous System.

When the sympathetic nervous system is activated, the body undergoes rapid Osteopaths suppressing changes. The brain continuously releases adrenaline and cortisol until it deems that the threat has gone, keeping the body on high alert and ready to take flight, fight, or freeze.  After the threat has passed, the parasympathetic nervous system works to lower the bodies stress response.  It does this by releasing “feel good” hormones that assist in calming the mind and body. As a result, cortisol levels fall.

To reduce anxiety and symptoms of stress, activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS).

The parasympathetic nervous system causes the body and mind to feel calm and relaxed when it is engaged. In order to instantly lessen their feelings of stress and anxiety, people can learn to activate their parasympathetic nervous system. Additionally, this improves their disposition, fortifies their immune system, and lowers their blood pressure.

A person can employ a variety of ways to activate their parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn triggers a relaxation response in their body. 


  • Spend time in nature - Spending time in nature or even just watching scenes of nature makes you feel more positive and less stressed, angry, or scared. Not only does being in nature improve your mood, as well as improving physical health by lowering your blood pressure, muscle tension, heart rate, and decreasing stress hormone production.
  • Get a massage - The parasympathetic nervous system can take over when the sympathetic nervous system is dominating, releasing the body's natural anti-inflammatory and regenerative neurochemistry. This can happen through massage and the activation of specific acupressure points.
  • Practice meditation - By simply assisting us in relaxing, meditation upregulates the parasympathetic nervous system while down regulating the sympathetic nervous system. Meditation helps us learn to breathe more deeply, decreasing our heart rate and blood pressure, and improves our sleep. In essence, you are turning off the sympathetic branch of your nervous system and activating the parasympathetic branch.
  • Deep abdominal breathing from the diaphragm - Engage the PSNS by purposefully slowing your breath signaling to your body that everything is fine. Exercises that focus on breathing can assist to build up your lungs, boost your immune system, and slow down your heart rate.

Use this breathing technique to awaken your PSNS: Inhale for four counts. Hold your breath for four counts. Count to four as you exhale. Repeat u p to 10 times. 

  • Yoga -  Restorative yoga is a potent cure to stress by down-regulating the sympathetic nervous system and up-regulating the parasympathetic nervous system, which is in charge of relaxation, digestion, energy conservation, and decreasing the heart rate. 
  • Avoid Stimulants - Avoiding stimulants such as caffeine and sugar will help in the activation of the PSNS. 
  • Hypnosis - The parasympathetic nervous system is activated by hypnosis, which promotes regeneration. When you are stressed, your sympathetic nervous system is activated. Your parasympathetic nervous system is activated when you are relaxed. The interesting thing is that the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems cannot coexist. As a result, using hypnosis to directly connect with the parasympathetic nervous system is a highly effective way to deal with stress.
  • Get plenty of sleep - Sleep is a potent stress buster. Regular sleep patterns help the body to relax and regenerate, enhance focus, control mood, and improve judgment and decision-making. When you are well-rested, you can solve problems more effectively and handle stress better.
  • Repeat Affirmations - Affirmations can increase the feeling of  self-worth increasing confidence in ability to achieve goals. They can also help counter the feelings of panic, stress, and self-doubt that often come with anxiety.  Affirmations also give you the power to change your negative thinking patterns and replace them with positive thinking patterns.
  • Touch your lips - Our lips have parasympathetic fibers through them? Gently rubbing your finger over your lips can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. Gently rub your fingers back and forth on your lips.  Focus on the sensations and notice how your mind and body begin to relax.

  • Imagery - When you need to anchor yourself and unwind, use soothing imagery to trigger the parasympathetic nervous system.  Think about your favorite place and try to picture it in your head. Imagine yourself there and observe how at ease you appear. Next, take note of every nuance, color, and shape in this area. You'll notice that you automatically start to relax down as your mind concentrates on these things rather than the stress you're now experiencing.

  • Humming - produces vibrations that massage the vagus nerve close to your vocal chords. Your relaxation response is triggered, and your parasympathetic nervous system receives a signal that you are safe.
  • Play with animals or children - decrease levels of cortisol (a stress-related hormone) and lower blood pressure. Other studies show that animals can reduce loneliness, increase feelings of support, and boost mood.
  • Gentle, mindful exercise - Intensive exercise stimulates our SNS. However, light cardio exercise can actually lower your SNS activity and activate our PSNS. The goal is to balance intense work with less intense, slower paced activities. 
  • Get a bit of sun - Serotonin is a hormone that is released when you are exposed to sunlight. Serotonin has been linked to better moods and promotes calmness and concentration.
  • Neck Release: The vagus nerve is coupled to the carotid artery, which travels into the carotid sinus, therefore, the parasympathetic state can be induced by neck massage. Turning your head to the side that is opposite from the side helps stretch your neck. 
  • Be Present: One of the best ways to promote calm is to be aware of your body and thoughts. Avoid thinking about things that have already happened or things that will happen in the future. Use your senses to fully appreciate the environment around you, whether you are in your bed or in the great outdoors. Try closing your eyes when interacting with the other senses because sight can be a strong sensation. Over time being present has also been found to decrease stress and abrupt changes in your mood because you have more control over your thoughts.
  • Cold Exposure: Your PSNS will be set off by exposure to cold. According to research, being exposed to acute cold stimulates the vagus nerve by activating cholinergic neurons in those routes.  Take a cool shower or a quick dip in a cool pool, or try pouring cold water on your face. You can spend a little period of time outside if the weather is cool. Although it may sound strange, this is one of the fastest ways to calm your body. 
  • Laughter: An easy approach to lift your spirits and give your body a sense of security and relaxation is to smile and laugh. Genuine laughter is the greatest kind, but if nothing is humorous, try to fool yourself into thinking it's hilarious. Try recalling a humorous event, enjoying a comedy, or doing anything else that gets you giddy with laughter. They do claim that the best medicine is laughing.
  • Weighted blankets: Because they can trigger the PSNS, they are frequently used to treat insomnia and anxiety. Weighted blankets create a sense of security and calmness in your body by applying deep pressure stimulation. 
  • Connection: The ventral vagal network can be strongly stimulated by love and connection. Your vagus nerve can be stimulated in a number of ways, including with a hug, smile, eye contact, or self-care. Vagal activity is increased when people socialize and connect with one another in a safe environment.
  • Listen to Music - You can feel more upbeat and hopeful about life when listening to upbeat music. A slower beat helps calm your mind and unwind your muscles, calming you and allowing you to release the day's stress. Music can help people unwind and manage their stress.
  • Use Essential oils - Most significantly, inhaling essential oils can send messages to the nose via the olfactory nerve and encourage the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which regulates mood.
  • Gratitude - Multiple brain areas become synchronized with feelings of appreciation.  The hypothalamus and several reward pathways are also activated. Feeling grateful can increase serotonin levels and stimulate production of restorative chemistry (Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins) and work with the parasympathetic nervous system to calm stress and increase resilience.
  • Restorative hobbies -  or enjoyable activities can also stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. Do hobbies that help you feel energizing and gratified rather than exhausted or are taxing. Playing or being creative can be very beneficial for balance and wellness.
  • Singing requires a certain amount of controlled breathing that can help the parasympathetic nervous system even more. Your vagus nerve is attached to your larynx, which is where you speak. Singing naturally activates it, just like humming.
  • Yawning is a built-in repair mechanism that indicates the body's need for rest and digestion by turning on the parasympathetic nerve system. Even if it doesn't occur naturally, yawning on purpose can still strengthen and develop this relationship.
  • Nutrition - Good nutrition is critical to our overall health and fitness. Avoiding stimulants like caffeine and sugar will aid in PSNS activation. We can help the PSNS by eating a balanced diet of food groups, minerals, and nutrients.
  • Hugs and cuddles - Researchers have discovered that hugging and having a strong sense of social support may act as a buffer against infection when faced with stressful circumstances. The parasympathetic nervous system, which is in charge of soothing and relaxing the body, is triggered by touch from people we trust and care about.
  • Acupressure - Aid parasympathetic equilibrium by stimulating acupressure spots that cause the release of oxytocin (the neurochemical associated with love and bonding), when we're open to them. The autonomic nervous system receives messages of safety from receptors in the brain and body that sense deep pressure.
  • Osteopathy - Osteopathy can aid in the reduction of anxiety and its effects on the body. The overactive nervous system of the body and the symptoms associated with it, such as tight muscles, headaches, and digestive issues, are assessed during treatment. Osteopaths look at and treat your body and mind as a whole.







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