Unraveling the Power of the Mind: A Comprehensive Guide to How Hypnotherapy Works
Eileen McDowell and Laura Kaspar "The Kaspar Twins" answer the question, "How does hypnotherapy work?" every time they speak to a new client.
You have 2 minds; the subconscious and the conscious mind. The subconscious mind is the feeling mind and the conscious mind is the thinker. Think about something you want to accomplish. Maybe you want to run a marathon or start a business. That is your conscious mind thinking, then your subconscious mind steps in with doubt and fear (feeling). Negative thoughts circulate and steer you away from your desire. The subconscious mind is infinitely more powerful than the conscious mind and will continue the dialogue until you let go of the unfamiliar action of starting something new because it is interpreted as unsafe.
The job of the subconscious mind is to keep you safe. Therefore, the subconscious creates the feeling of fear to hold you back, away from danger. In response, conscious dialogue like, “ It's too hard, “I’m not smart enough to start a business,” “I’m not good enough to run a marathon,” take over and more often than not win the battle. Emotions override logic in the mind.
During hypnosis, consciously critical thought patterns are safely bypassed, communicating directly with the subconscious. This facilitates acceptance of positive change in behavior patterns. The logical, critical conscious mind shuts down, allowing the positive and empowering messaging that you can and will achieve your desire fire and wire into your brain creating new synaptic pathways of thought patterns. The more these pathways are used, the stronger they become, eventually overriding doubt and fear.
This powerful process is achieved during clinical hypnotherapy by activating the Alpha brainwave which has been coined the “gateway to the subconscious”. While in Alpha, we have the ability to speak directly to the subconscious communicating direct messaging that encourages the desired thoughts and behaviors. The subconscious accepts the new narrative as safe, moving toward the new familiarity.
Ideas and desires that were once thought to be impossibilities become new and exciting possibilities. It helps those with addictions release the desire to partake, it aids people with money blocks to believe they are capable and move toward financial abundance, those who felt unlovable and not enough love, appreciate themselves resulting in feeling full and whole as a result, manifesting love. Anxiety and depression are eradicated after living with the condition for years.
Remember, you are never out of control. In fact it's the opposite. Hypnosis creates more control in the mind and you are never encouraged or directed toward doing or thinking anything that you don't want. In fact the point is to move toward what you want and away from what you don't want.
Have more questions? Visit our website HypnoLife365.com to have all of your questions answered!
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