Hypnotherapy 101: Understanding if it Works for Everyone
Does hypnosis work for everyone? Eileen McDowell and Laura Kaspar "The Kaspar Twins" answer this question in detail.
There is no certainty that hypnosis will be effective for you because we are all different. The client's state of mind plays an important role in hypnosis's success. The success rate is aided by openness and a readiness to let go and accept recommendations. In addition, consistency is vital. The new neural connections are exercised like a muscle by listening to HypnoMeditation recordings on a regular basis that we tailor specifically to you and your needs. The new synaptic highways become larger and stronger the more the pathway is used.
However, we feel that when hypnosis is applied properly, everyone can gain from it. There are certainly things that are impossible for hypnosis to accomplish. The fundamental personality that someone has cannot be altered by hypnosis. We can't hypnotize you to perform surgery…this is a learned skill. Congenital damage or genetic issues cannot be repaired. No amount of hypnosis can make someone live eternally (although it Can help you extend your life and make it more enjoyable). In reality, things like developing body parts or things that a person actively opposes cannot be accomplished by hypnosis.
The subconscious mind does not think with reason or logic. The subconscious mind has no judgment or criticism. It is quite black and white and reactive to our emotional center where instincts reside. The subconscious mind is simply an evaluation system that weighs every single input or information, using our senses to make determinations every second of our lives. So when you continue to eat when you are depressed, even after your belly is full, the subconscious mind is trying to help relieve the pain of stress and encouraging you to eat because this is what it was trained to do, by you.
The subconscious mind makes 35,000 decisions a day. When your feet are cold you put on socks, when you have an itch you scratch it, when you're thirsty, you drink, you brush your teeth each morning, take a shower or when to eat. When you're sad you might reach for food, when you're happy you reach for alcohol. When you're stressed you might get angry. These are habitual subconscious reactions.
No one has the ability to feel the subconscious mind at work so the only way that we know that new information we are telling the mind during hypnosis is having any sort of impact is our actions. We might suddenly dislike a food that we enjoyed in the past. You might be disgusted by particular habits that were previously normal behaviors. This is the power of rewiring the subconscious mind. The subconscious is unbelievably fast at processing new abilities and the key factor in truly allowing hypnosis to change your life is belief.
The emotions that you feel when you listen to the hypnosis have to be authentic. If you are in a state of disbelief, listen to positive affirmations first to release resistance and open yourself to the Law of Allowance, allowing in positivity, allowing in change, allowing in belief, allowing in a new way of life that is so much better than the experience that you're having today.
Know that the subconscious mind can often get things wrong. It is a survival mechanism that reacts to threats or things that are seemingly a threat. An irrational reaction is a good example of this. Panic attacks, for instance, is our subconscious reaction to a perceived threat. The body will go into a fight, flight or freeze mode if it has been exposed to enough trauma.
The same might go for eating sugar. There is a brief physical high that comes from insulin change. This enjoyment is something the subconscious wants the body to experience again because it was pleasant. What it doesn't know is that sugar is terrible for your body and is a slow killer. Your conscious mind is not thinking about this. your subconscious will make you crave more. When we rewire the subconscious in hypnosis, to have disdain for sugar the desire and cravings for sugar will be eliminated.
There is no reasoning with the subconscious mind. It doesn't give us a chance to consciously communicate, therefore, if we try to overcome difficult feelings with conscious reasoning, the subconscious will double the effort to reiterate the emotion. Have you ever tried to reason away fear like having fear of public speaking? Many people have irrational fears that control their day like fear of flying. These fears create a physical reaction like dry mouth, rapid heart rate, body trembling or worse. These physical reactions are the subconscious in action doing everything in its power to protect us from what our conscious mind says to be fearful of.
This reaction doesn't go away just because we rationally know this information. Fear is a learned reaction of the subconscious mind and it instinctively is protecting you without intentionally harming you. By safely entering a state of hypnosis we can bypass the faulty wiring from the conscious mind and rewire the subconscious to take in new information, better ideas and a more relaxed safer approach to fear.
Everyone can benefit from hypnosis whether it be weight loss, irrational fears, addiction and so much more. Remember that a physical symptom is nothing more than an expression of an idea that has been ingrained in the subconscious. This reaction is a conflict with what the conscious mind wishes or needs. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy is an effective and powerful way to override subconscious programming and bring it into alignment with the conscious, re-evaluate its validity and your suggestions to reprogram it's reactions.
Hypnosis is a miraculous tool that will allow you to take control of your life. Hypnosis changes habits and behaviors as well as re-establishes healthy emotions, beliefs and feelings. Unhealthy emotions, beliefs and feelings are triggered simply by unwanted thoughts and actions. Hypnosis assists in building a new highway of healthy and empowering information, eradicating self-defeating behaviors, eradicating self-sabotaging behaviors and reprogramming to achieve our desired goals.
Your thoughts create your reality. Most thought processes and patterns can be changed given belief, enough time, consistency and patience. Your subconscious mind is a sponge, an extremely accurate computer system that keeps memory of every single part of your life. These thoughts and images become an ingrained part of your belief system where these thoughts and images are sent out to the universe and become your reality.
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