Stage Hypnosis vs. Hypnotherapy: Key Differences

The Difference Between Stage Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy: 8 Myths Debunked

Hypnosis is a state of consciousness that has been used for centuries to help individuals overcome a variety of issues, such as anxiety, addiction, and phobias. However, the way in which hypnosis is practiced can vary greatly. Two of the most common forms of hypnosis are stage hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Although they may seem similar, there are some fundamental differences between the two. Stage hypnosis is primarily used for entertainment purposes, where a hypnotist performs in front of an audience and induces hypnosis on volunteers to make them do amusing and often bizarre acts. On the other hand, hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis to help individuals overcome personal issues and achieve their goals. In this article, we will explore the differences between stage hypnosis and hypnotherapy in greater detail, to help you understand the unique characteristics of each and their intended purposes.

#1: You are Asleep During Hypnosis

FALSE. Clinical hypnosis is not about being asleep, it's about being receptive. While a hypnotized person's eyes may be closed for an extended period of time, they are NOT sleeping.  It is more like a meditative state accessing the Theta and Alpha brain waves. While in hypnosis, people are fully aware of their surroundings ,but more aware of their internal state as compared to the wake state where the conscious mind is active. The subconscious is 95% of our thoughts.  This is where we can access many answers for unwanted, unconscious behaviors. 

#2:  Hypnosis is Dangerous

FALSE: Hypnotherapy is perfectly safe and effective. In fact, it’s quite the opposite!

Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of mind that becomes very suggestible to change. It wakes the mind unlocking the limitless potential inside you.  It enables the conscious and subconscious mind to work in harmony to become the best version of yourself.  

#3: Hypnosis only works on Low IQ or the Mentally Weak

FALSE. Anybody with an IQ over 70 CAN be hypnotized if resistance is not present.

The perfect combination for a successful session is willingness and enough concentration to follow simple instructions. If you are capable of following instructions, YOU can be hypnotized.  Stage Hypnosis Show is a completely different animal.  Therapeutic hypnosis in a traditional office or on teleconference in the comfort of your own home supplies a setting that offers virtually no distractions which makes it easier to access the Alpha brain waves; the “portal to the subconscious.” 

A Comedy Hypnosis Show ie. “Stage Hypnosis” has the volunteers up on stage, with friends looking on from the audience. As with any group dynamic, there are lots of potential distractions.  This type of hypnosis is NOT therapeutic hypnosis and designed purely to entertain. 

#4: Hypnosis Can Retrieve Lost Memories

TRUE. It IS possible to recover memories through hypnosis. 

The subconscious mind is like a holographic archiving computer; the domain of permanent memory.

The entire purpose of hypnosis is to gain access to the subconscious mind to retain answers to unwanted thoughts and behaviors. Hypnosis techniques are the most effective, if not the only, method for recovering lost memories!

However, memories are extremely FRAGILE and do not always represent the "truth." Your age and emotional state at the time of the experience have a strong influence on your memories.  If a memory is not readily available, the subconscious mind may be concealing it from conscious awareness.  Therefore, the Hypnotherapist will work on feeling safe, releasing resistance and openness for change. 

#5: You Are Out of Control During Hypnotherapy

FALSE. Clinical hypnosis does the opposite.  It resets the subconscious mind to what the conscious mind wants.

The subconscious is like a child without logic.  It does what it thinks you want.  For instance: making you crave sugar when you tell yourself that you're starving.  Its role is to keep you alive so it will follow your conscious instructions… a lot like a genie!  It is extremely difficult to persuade a hypnotized person to violate their moral principles or convince someone to do something they do not want to do. 

With that said; volunteers for Stage Hypnosis DO become less inhibited during the performance. The combination of being in a trance state and the thrill of performing on stage is equal to downing a few cocktails.

#6: A Hypnotherapist Can Cure You in One Session

SOMETIMES. This does occur.

We have frequently helped clients quit smoking or drinking in one session.  This is not always the case.  The level of resistance present has a great deal to do with the success of the therapy session.  Fear and lack of feeling safe causes resistance.  As the client relaxes, increases trust in the therapist and willingness for change; truly miraculous and permanent change can occur. 

Most behavioral changes will require dedication and persistence to produce long-term results. Be prepared to commit to an average of 3-5 sessions when working with a Clinical Hypnotherapist for most types of problems. Hypnotherapy is 93% effective after 6 sessions or less. 

#7: Lying while Under Hypnosis is Impossible

FALSE. When hypnotized the conscious mind may take over allowing lies. 

Hypnosis is not a "truth serum." This is one of those hypnosis myths that has no basis in reality.  A hypnotized person's enhanced creative imagination can lead them to say some bizarre things or they might remember an incident differently than another person.  This is how the subconscious mind interpreted the experience which again, is like a child.  Logic is rarely present so the client may say things that sound like a child.  It is up the the hypnotherapist to help the client interpret the words/experience for recovery. 

#8: You’ve Never Been Hypnotized

FALSE. You've been hypnotized if you didn’t realize it.

There are different levels of hypnosis.  We have all entered a hypnotic trance on a daily basis.  If you have ever daydreamed, watched a compelling television program, paid close attention, forgetting about everything around you, experienced physical reactions like tears or a racing heart during an intense movie scene.

Hypnotherapy is similar to a deep meditation brain wave cycle equivalent to theta trance states. Hypnosis is also a natural part of the sleep cycle. You must enter the trance state (Alpha and Theta brain waves) to fall asleep, and you must exit the trance state to wake up.

 Curious?  Make an appointment with Eileen McDowell or Laura Kaspar to see exactly how you can unlock the limitless potential inside you!! #hypnolife

Join the Thousands of People Who Have Already Transformed Their Lives.  You have tried everything yet you remain frustrated, still stuck in old patterns. The past methods you tried did not work because you just talked about the pain at a conscious level. With our method, we go deeper to the subconscious for rapid, permanent healing.  Break free from the pain that has been holding you back. 



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