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Julia - Australia

"This work is amazing! I'm still feeling so much love, freedom and lighter after this session, feel like I was able to connect with something I truly needed.

From the beginning of the call I felt comfortable and safe with Laura, she is super warm, sweet and focused on her work."



Dana - London 

"Eileen explained each and every step of what we were going to do in a very calm and gentle way. Is super important to me to connect and feel safe with a therapist, and even though this was the first time seeing each other, I felt so supported by her lovely presence.  

This made me realise a belief about not feeling worthy of someone's time and presence, so this was already healing for me."



Jim - Atlanta

"During the hypnosis, I didn't know if I could actually "make it" (be able to connect with old memories) but to my surprise, everything that I needed to work on came up to the surface, and felt so good to be able to heal my inner child and understand what she was feeling and why and how I created my fear, anxiety and guilt back in childhood.

Thank you so much Laura, I'm deeply grateful for your work and can't wait to see more of how this transformation impacts my life."